Why Africa?

Well...that's a fair question. I'm certain that more than one person has asked themselves that very thing. Really it started over a year ago when we made the decision to adopt. We were not sure we were ready, but God informed us we were. Initially, we began the process for domestic adoption. We went thru the whole process. Paperwork, homestudy, and the waiting. We are still not sure why God allowed us to endure all of that, when he had Ethiopia in our future all along. It's not like God changed His mind and said "Hmm, that's not working out quite like I thought,let's try Ethiopia !''

       We were feeling frustrated because there were no referrals after several months, and nothing indicated there would be. We began to feel like God was leading us in a new direction. We spent some time on our knees. I was looking at adoption websites, and came across IAN.www.internationaladoptionnet.org. They have been fantastic, and very helpful. If you consider adoption, call them first.

     Anyway, when I saw their info on Ethiopia...it hit me. I felt a peace(at least at first)about adopting from there. When I talked to Katy about it, she had actually already been thinking about it. That is...God had already laid it on her heart. It makes me smile to think of it, the timing. God is like that. 

   So, I called IAN and got some info.OK...this is where we started to feel a little stressed. We saw that our adoption costs were going to go from about $6000, to 14,000. That actually jumped to around $25,000 when we added up travel and immigration. So regardless of the cost...we still believe God is in control and  still  leading us to Ethiopia. So there it is.That's my story and I'm sticking to it.