Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Goals and Videos and Videos of Goals : )

      It's been awhile since I posted anything. I have wanted to, but have been really busy. I will try to catch up the best I can. We have been on the IAN waiting list for a little over a month now. I don't remember exactly where we are on all the lists, but I remember where we are on the highest list. That list is the toddler boy list. we are #11 on the list, but if you consider the 5 people who are on hold, then we are unofficially #6 on that list. That seems really exciting, but I don't let myself go there too far, for two reasons: 1. Because it could still take several months even though #6 seems like a relatively low number. 2. Because we don't know yet what God has in store for us. I don't want to get too focused on the obvious. If I do that, I will start to try to take the reigns from God and somehow try to control what is happening.If I do that, I'm afraid I will lose sight of what God is telling us and miss out on His plan. Instead, I will continue to pray and seek His will. What He has planned is better than anything I could do myself anyway.

       We have some friends of ours whom we have known for awhile. Their names are Josh and Danielle. We have know Josh since he was in high school, and have watched him grow, graduate, get married, and recently he and his wife started their own film company called Yoxfilms.www.yoxfilms.com. We have seen many of the videos they have created and I have been really impressed with what they have been able to do. I approached Josh and asked if they would be interested in helping us create a video documentary of our adoption process, specifically, our "Gotcha Day", and maybe the " Meetcha Day" I met with Josh and tossed around some ideas. Usually there is some video put to music, and I picked out a couple of songs I really like and think they would fit. Tell me what you think.

                                                             The other is a song that Katy and I have listened to over and over. I can't hear it without wanting to go to Ethiopia today and adopt every orphan, or at least go tell them that somebody loves them and they are special and wanted. I don't know how someone could watch this video, and still not want to bring a little one home.

                                         I hope Josh and Danielle will come and start to do some video soon. It would be fun to post some "preview" footage , or footage we decide we aren't going to use so we don't spoil the final product. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, check out their website, and it will kinda give you an idea of the type of films they do. Pretty cool stuff.

                                          For some really exciting news, we have almost reached our first financial goal. God has put some people in our lives that have really blessed us with their finances. We are only about $55 short of our first goal of $5000. In the beginning, it seemed like an impossible goal, but God shows us over and over that," With God, all things are possible."  Mathew 19:26 The finances are awesome, but I don't want to forget the people that are praying for us and the little one God has chosen for us. Those prayers hold just as much value as any donation. If you are one of those people praying for us and this process, please know that God is answering prayers, and we so appreciate them. Thank you very very much.

                                          If you feel lead to donate to help us reach our first goal, please use the donate button on the blog. If you are not able to donate, please include us in your prayers.

                              And now just a little shameless family plug. I went to a meeting yesterday with my daughter Rebecca. She is a really smart kid, and does really well in school. She is a junior this year and taking some AP classes to get college credit.Because her grades are great and I think because she scored well on her PSAT, she received and invitation to attend an informational meeting for the Flinn Scholarship Program. It is quit an honor to be invited to the meeting. It is an even greater honor to be offered the scholarship after the interviews and everything else involved. I don't envy anyone enduring the stress it must entail. I am hoping she will attend Grand Canyon University. It is a christian college, and still close enough to home to help her if she gets into trouble or needs help with something.I don't know if she will get the scholarship, or if she will even apply, but she works really hard in school, and I am very proud of her for being given the opportunity to apply. I should get a bumper sticker that reads," My honor student beat up your honor student." That would be awesome! Until next time.



Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Different Perspective

     I have read many blogs from people who have adopted from Ethiopia. There are many more people adopting from there than I realized. Most of the blogs are stories of the family's journey. They include a time line of there decision to adopt, through to when they bring their little one home to their forever family. They tend to be a mixture of all the happiness that comes with adoption, and the tough things they have warned us about.
   I have read about attachment issues,tantrums,biting,kicking and sleepless nights complete with night terrors. One mom wrote about finding parasites in her daughters butt crack and underwear still after four and a half weeks of arriving home.

   Now, this is not true in every case and much of those things happening depends on the age  and personality of the child. Younger children tend to struggle less with attachment issues, at least that is how the blogs make it seem. I think every child is different, and every adoption story is different. Katy and I have discussed it at length.We know that we will be the ones to bond with them first and establish ourselves as mother and father. The ones who are here for them  forever. That might be a difficult concept for them to grasp at first.

   At least most of the blogs describing these mixed stories of joy and frustration, say that several months into it, the kids mellow out and realize it's not necessary to test the parents to see if they will leave. I know two things for sure. God has orchestrated our family, and this adoption journey. He didn't lead us this far to suddenly not be faithful. He knows He will be glorified in the end. I also know I am ready to bring them home. Hang in there little one, we're coming soon.

                  God has really been working on my heart. I may have mentioned this in another blog, but I'm gonna again. Besides, this blog has become as much a journal for me as it is an "updater" for you. God has shown me that I can, or need to, only depend on Him. When we started this process, I had great expectations for our fundraising. I was so excited to start it and watch the funds roll in. Especially since I have read blog after blog of people having multiple successful fundraisers, raising thousands, yes thousands of dollars for their adoption. They have people in there lives who rally around them and join forces, to get the job done. In most cases, this is because they  recognize that there are 147 million orphans in the world that need help. Not only that, but God calls us to do it.

             We have a few people in our lives that are dear to us. These people understand the enormity of the orphan problem, and the responsibility we have as christians to do something about it. They may not feel called themselves to adopt, but they have really come through for us. Many people we know are "supportive",but I don't think they agree with us adopting for whatever reason.

         I guess my whole point is, except for the few who have really helped and really care about where we are in the process, the fundraising has been really underwhelming, if I may. I realize that people, especially people who have no idea what the cost is or what's involved in the process, don't feel compelled to give. It's easy to shrug it off and figure other people will provide, or they don't have the "extra" money to spend. But what about how often people eat out, or how many Starbucks people buy each week. If someone eats out...say...twice a week. Low end, they may spend $15 dollars each time. Then they go to Starbucks and get a fancy coffee each time. Maybe..$3.50 each. If they just skipped that that week, $37 dollars could go a long way if several people did that.We can't even get people to buy a $10 puzzle piece!
   I know people are in no way obligated to donate money. Maybe my perspective is different. God has been teaching me that He sees the big picture, and less is more. I see people driving huge expensive cars. Not at all trying to even appear to live conservatively. It bothers me...a lot.It bothers me because there are children starving and dying from water born illnesses everyday. It is very worldly and selfish. These are problems that can be fixed.People are choosing  to ignore it. I pray that God would help me be a good steward of the things He has blessed me with.

                   Since, then,you have been raised with Christ                                                                                         set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right
                   hand of God.Set your mind on things above, 
                    not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with 
                                                                  Christ in God.
                                           Colossians 3:1-3.

I know God is going to take care  of everything, because He has said He will. Thank you Lord.

   On a different note, we have moved up one space on each list. Soooo close.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Great news today!! IAN has had our dossier for several days, and said today everything checks out.A little while later, she called and said she had received our homestudy in the mail. I am glad to report that we are officially on the waiting list.

       So what does this mean exactly? Well..it means we wait. Probably for several months. I am expecting to see God do great things in the next few months. I really feel like we are not going to have to wait what others might expect.

    It's not that I think we are anything special, I just think God has other plans. I don't know what they are.(wouldn't that be nice if God just filled us in ahead of time?) All I really know for certain is that we are on the waiting list, and that I trust God. He is in control. I have said it before, and I will say it again. We will praise and glorify God no matter the outcome. Praise Him in the storm.

      So this is where we stand...

  1. Baby Girl #42
  2. Baby Boy #24
  3. Toddler Girl #23
  4.  Toddler Boy #14
God's going to great things. Watch and see...                                          

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gettin' Close !!!

So here is an update. We are officially done with our dossier. We actually have one letter of reference to get back yet, but we may mail it on Monday whether we have it or not. God is so good!! This video makes me so anxious to have a little one home forever.Short post today.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

       I have an update on where we are in the process. I hope you are not thinking, "Oh wow, he is actually going to mention the adoption in his adoption blog." I realize that this blog is more than an adoption blog. It didn't start out that way, but in blogging about where we are in the process, it has to include blogging about God's provision and grace. There haven't been that many times in my life when I can say,"This is definitely the direction God wants me to go." Most of the time, I go where I think He wants me to go and see how it turns out. Times I have been certain are, switching jobs from food service to Southwest, my marriage to Katy,and the adoption. He has put it on our hearts and spoken to us both at the same time on many subjects. The amount of stuff donated, and the money raised is God all the way. I have no doubt that God's hand is guiding our situation.

             I have been feeling lately like God has been working to get my attention. Katy has felt the same as well. I really feel as though God wants our attention to show us something big he has for us, or maybe it's just so we are paying attention to the next step in the adoption.

                                             God very much has been showing me that I need more of Him and less of me. (I think I might be repeating myself from a previous blog.) I have been hearing for some time now, different scripture and hearing sermons about seeking God, fasting, and being quiet and listening to Him. I am going to be obedient and see what God has planned.

BUY ME !!!!!
can't wait to try this one!!!
We are prayerfully considering beginning a new fundraiser. The more I read about it, and think about the potential, the more excited I get. We will be selling certain kinds of coffee and a large part of the money comes to us. Here are a couple of  the coffees.We will let you know. We will have our own website in a sense, so it will be easy for you to check it out and make a purchase. Pray for us. Marsha is coming on the 25th to continue to put our lives under a microscope. We are getting the house ready, but there is only so much we can do. We are after all a family of five. Please leave a comment so I know you stopped by. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm Glad That's Over.(Garage Sale Results)

  Tomorrow is Katy's and my tenth wedding anniversary.It seems like it has been longer than ten years. Looking back, it seems we have gone through so much together in that time. I know,lots of people go through difficult times. That's just part of life. Don't get me wrong, the tough times were not between Katy and me. We endured hard or difficult situations together. We think we have an exceptional marriage. Of course we fight sometimes, that is normal. I think a marriage that doesn't experience that may not be a healthy marriage. There are certain things we agree on that I think has carried us this far, that is, without talking divorce, or Katy wanting to kill me in my sleep.Besides the "make up time" is awesome.    

                                   1. God is the center of our marriage. If you want to balance something, you center it.            One side or the other and it falls.
                                   2.In addition to #1, we pray together.
                                   3. We also play together.
                                   4. We don't always agree on everything, but we know the importance
                    of a united front.

             Most importantly,I love her the best way I know how. Sometimes I'm really good at it, and sometimes...uh..er...I'm not. But, if you asked her if I love her, she can say "yes" without hesitation.

                      We had our last adoption garage sale this week. Let me correct that. We had four long days of sales. It was tough, but God never said everything He has us do would be easy...and you know what? He still shines through. I want to give glory to God for the blessings and grace He has shown during our fundraising. We had garage sales in September too. Everything we had to sell was donated. Words can't describe the abundance of giving and generosity people showed. Normally, I am not comfortable talking about money matters to people. It just seems like such a private thing, but I want to tell everyone how great our God is. We raised just over a thousand dollars in September.We created a "donate" button on this blog, and had several friends donate above and beyond. During this garage sale, we raised $940. I put a $5000 goal on the blog and the total amount God has blessed us with is $2495. Thank you Jesus. God speaks to our hearts and confirms for us that we are in line with His will.

                   So, now we have the dossier to contend with. We are taking a trip to the Gilbert police admin office tomorrow to ask them to type a letter stating we don't have a criminal record. This dossier is no easy task, but it is our last hurdle before our papers are sent to Ethiopia for approval. Even after that, we are still looking at 9-12months of being on a waiting list before we get a referral.We are trudging away at our online education. Some of it is super boring. Some of it has been helpful. There was a really weird one that wanted us to do this "exercise." It wanted us to draw a picture of what we think our child will look like, complete with fingers and toes, then touch the fingers and toes.Pretty creepy!!
 Anyway, we will keep you informed. I will see if I can get Katy to post a blog too, so you can get a different perspective, and maybe you won't get sick of me. Katy is more articulate than I am.And cuter.See ya!
